Track, monitor and evaluate research.

Assess Portfolio

Services that provide measures and indicators on Open Science trends and impact, and help your organisation shape your policies and actions.

Which service is right for you?

Open Science Observatory
Understanding the European Open Science landscape

The Open Science Observatory is a portal that facilitates access to the Open Science indicators for policy makers, funders, organisations, by combining and visualising information from all over Europe.

Custom, on-demand, scientific gateways

The CONNECT Dashboard is a platform as a service that enables institutions, universities, or lead teams on a scientific domain, to easily create, configure and manage, their own customised web portal that collects and shares research outcomes of their interest to their audiences. The gateways could be public or set in a private mode.

OpenAIRE Graph
An intelligent gateway to scholarly communication

The OpenAIRE Graph is a collection of interlinked research objects that aggregates metadata records from more than 70K scholarly communication sources from all over the world for researchers, service providers, research managers and policy makers, by following a participatory approach.

Personalised research monitoring

OpenAIRE MONITOR is a service that produces well-documented, timely and accurate monitoring indicators of research activities for funders, research initiatives and organisations, by creating personalised and on-demand online configurable dashboards

OpenAIRE Metadata Validator
Check repository compliance with OpenAIRE

The OpenAIRE Metadata Validator is a service that checks a repository's compliance with OpenAIRE, for repository managers, by validating it against the OpenAIRE guidelines.

OpenAIRE UsageCounts
Measure.Track Open Access repositories usage

UsageCounts is an OpenAIRE service for content providers, research funders and policy makers, that collects and visualises usage activity of Open Access Repositories by using automated and standardised scientific methods.

Open Access Cost Transparency

OpenAPC is an infrastructure that collects cost information on Open Access publishing for research academic institutions by providing in-depth analysis on cost trends across publishers, e-journals and books or monographs.

OpenCitations for Open Science

OpenCitations is an independent not-for-profit infrastructure organization for open scholarship that provides open bibliographic and citation data for the scholarly community by using Semantic Web technologies.

OpenAIRE Service Catalogue receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under OpenAIRE-Advance (No. 777541) and OpenAIRE Nexus (No. 101017452)